Interface LLMChainInput<T, Model>

Interface for the input parameters of the LLMChain class.

interface LLMChainInput<T, Model> {
    llm: Model;
    prompt: BasePromptTemplate<any, BasePromptValueInterface, any>;
    callbackManager?: CallbackManager;
    llmKwargs?: CallOptionsIfAvailable<Model>;
    memory?: BaseMemory;
    outputKey?: string;
    outputParser?: BaseLLMOutputParser<T>;

Type Parameters

  • T extends string | object = string

  • Model extends LLMType = LLMType

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


llm: Model

LLM Wrapper to use

prompt: BasePromptTemplate<any, BasePromptValueInterface, any>

Prompt object to use

callbackManager?: CallbackManager

⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

Use callbacks instead

This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

It is not recommended for use.

llmKwargs?: CallOptionsIfAvailable<Model>

Kwargs to pass to LLM

memory?: BaseMemory
outputKey?: string

Key to use for output, defaults to text

outputParser?: BaseLLMOutputParser<T>

OutputParser to use

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